Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Book Review

I am an avid reader. It is a passion in life. I cannot tolerate sex in books, especially in detail. It is a book trasher in my opinion. Also, hate lots of swearing. Other then that, I am pretty open to anything. Random fact about me is I really enjoy books that are non-fiction. Not text books, but books that are informative, humorous, and interesting. For instance:

You- The Owner's Manual (This is a great book about your body and how to be the healthiest you can w/out depriving yourself. It has a lot of humor and is very well written.)

My latest find that is a MUST read is

I am not finished with this book, but I have really enjoyed it so far. I have learned a lot, but also laughed a lot. It is a great read!

Have you read any great books lately? Do share, I am always looking for good books!


  1. You have me interested. I had no idea the You book would have humorous writing. And the female brain also sound interesting. I like some non-fiction but for me it can't be too dry or I get lost.

    Right now I am reading an historical fiction called The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb. I have teaser up at Confuzzled Books.

    Happy Reading!

  2. So after reading the Female Brain, I went in to my ob-gyn to ask about PMDD (which I read about in the book!). And I was diagnosed with it! That book taught me SO much! Glad to hear you are enjoying it!
