Thursday, June 2, 2011

Technical Difficulties

We are experiencing some technical difficulties. I just realized my header picture is missing as well as all the grab button pictures. I would really appreciate it if you would tell me it you can see my header and the grab button pictures.  All I can see is some ugly green lettering with the blog title. The grab button I made for getting organized week as well as the 2 under "buttons" on left are missing their pictures as well.
PLEASE let me know what you can and can't see! Thanks!


  1. No header picture, no buttons. The follower pictures are there. The labels list is there too. That's about it. The blog listed is Jan. 13, 2010.
    Hope whatever has gone haywire gets fixed for you soon.

  2. I can see everything EXCEPT your header picture. it is only large green print.
