Monday, September 26, 2011
One Bad A... Chick
Sorry about the unfinished post this morning about the gumball shirt. I am still working on it and accidentally published it instead of saving it as a draft:) I should have it ready for you later this week:) Today I went to drive myself to the gym and the car was totally dead. To my horror, I saw the car door had been left open and the over head light and side door light had been on all night. I got a neighbor to try and jump start it, but it was so dead that it didn't even work. So, she drove me to Checkers and I purchased a new battery. At first I was going to wait and let Hubby change it when he got home from work, BUT after debating for a little bit, I decided to try and replace it myself. I NAILED it! The car is working perfectly. When I took the old battery back to the store to get a small reimbursement, the guy working there couldn't believe I had done it myself. I showed him my greased stained fingers and said, "I don't normally sport this look." As I was walking out of the store, he turned to his coworker and said, "That is one bad a.. chick!" I laughed out loud. I feel AWESOME! I am so excited to have done it myself.
Wow! Good for you! I had that exact same scare yesterday! We went to get in the car to go to the kids' class... and I realized I had left my door wide open ALL NIGHT LONG! I guess when we came back from Ohio on Sunday and I was unloading the car, some how I just forgot to shut my door! Luckily, we didn't have any battery problems. I'm thinking maybe I have an automatic sensor that turns off the light after a while, even if the door is open... But I'm impressed by you because I thought, "What in the world would I do if I had killed my battery?!?" : )