Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween Printable

Friends, I have gathered you all here today to show you why with the up coming holidays you should always use a ladder when getting boxes of decorations off the top shelf in your garage.
A piece of wood that I couldn't see was sitting on top of said box. It slid off and smashed into my face. Everything went black, I was dizzy, I had/ and still have a massive head ache. I stumbled around for a bit. My eyes were watering like crazy. I went into the bathroom to blow my nose (from the watery eyes). And realized I had a double nose bleed and a very swollen nose. After getting everything under control, I took stock of my nose and realized I would have a very large and unattractive scar if I didn't get it closed. So, 1 trip to the urgent care and I look like this with a swollen nose and a black eye forming. BOO! Feel free to feel lots of sympathy for me. It is as painful as it looks.

So, onto less important business!  Lets annouce the winner of the Halloween giveaway via random number generator! Drum roll please............................Congrats to Jessica who said:

I totally love #1. You ever need to talk girly, contact me on FB. I have stories to tell you about depression and all that dark stuff. Love you like family as always!

I made this 2 years ago, BUT I am officially offering it as a free printable this year! YIPPEE!!!

Get 5x7
Get 8x10

Stay tuned later this week to get the printable for the Happy Halloween sign and another surprise!

1 comment:

  1. OUCH!!! I broke my nose when I was in fifth grade and had a cast on my nose. I can sympathize with your pain. Hope you heal quickly!
