Here are a few more changes I made with my Christmas decor. Front door in years past:
Front door this year, with a new stain, wreath hanger, and wreath.
The nook in years gone by:
Nook now:
Because of my nativity scene, I needed things to be a little less glittery and more rustic. So I switched out the wreath. Using an idea I saw Craftaholics Anonymous, I added cinnamon sticks to some candles.
I have wanted the Willow Tree Nativity set for longer then I can remember. This year for my birthday I got the starter set. I will be collecting it slowly:)
My brother, sister, and I got my mom different pieces of the Willow Tree Nativity set over a few years. Now it's one of her favorite decorations. Last year she gave me the starter set and I'm hoping it will be a tradition she carries on for my sister and I. Love it!