Saturday, January 14, 2012

Magnetic Paint

In the mudroom I have this old window hanging that I've converted into a dry erase board and magnetic board.  On the dry erase side we write down things we need to buy.  On the magnetic side I keep the school lunch menu, the little school magnet with the years schedule, important things that week, etc.  On the shelf next to it I keep the dry erase markers and erasers in a candle holder.

Here's a list of things I've learned about this magnetic primer:

1.  You have to stir it a long time.  It is like sludge.  I had to stir sometimes even before I refilled the paint tray.  The metal flakes float to the bottom.
2. Foam roller works best.
3. Takes several coats.  Read the can it will tell you how many to do.  To many isn't good and not enough makes it not work. I did 4 on this window.
4. This is a primer so you can paint over the top.  Since it's dark it takes several layers.  The more layers of paint over it the weaker it gets.  Regular magnets wouldn't stay.   So I discovered these super tough magnets called Rare Earth Magnets.  They have magnets that have a pull of 6 lbs.  How cool is that!  Click on the green writing and it will take you to the website.  You can see all the fun sizes and shapes. 

Now I want to paint a spot above the desk with this magnetic paint covered with the wall color for notes, fun pictures of kids, and maybe the calendar.  Let me know what fun things you do with this paint.

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