Saturday, November 13, 2010


My father in law is really into photography. He has one of the most expensive  amazing cameras available. Hubby and I are in the market for a new camera. I am thinking a Canon Rebel T1i. The difference in quality between a point and shoot versus a SLR is...well, here are some pictures my father in law took. You be the judge. (He shot these in Hawaii.)

I miss the fall colors terribly. So the top row is of Idaho's fall colors. The next 2 rows are from a trip to Hawaii.

After seeing the photos I have officially determined that Santa WILL be bringing us a new camera. Let's hope Santa can find a good deal on Black Friday:)


  1. So jealous! I want one of those so bad. Can't wait to see all your beautiful pictures.


  2. I'm getting a Cannon for Christmas too! { has the leaked ads}
