Monday, November 15, 2010


I am sick. I have no voice, I am coughing, and running low grade temperature. My head is pounding and I just want to curl up and sleep. I am going to have to postpone FG8 just a bit until I am feeling better to get everything organized. I am thinking next week. I am sooooooo sorry about this and any confusion it may cause.  Please let me know if you are still interested in participating.


  1. I'm so sorry you are still sick! But that actually works better for me anyway-- Max found some lighter fluid outside today and drunk it and we spent our day in the hospital-- that went my goal to not eat fast food! Plus I didn't have one single fruit or vegetable to day and only one cup of water! Argh! Feel better and let me know if you need anything! (I don't have a car, but feel free to drop little girl off at my house if you need to get some rest!)

  2. I've been doing so great! :( That's okay. I'm happy to start next Sunday. Give me an email ( and let me know what you plan to do.
