Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sewing For a Cause

I don't know if you remember THIS post or not, but I have been wanting to sew for a cause. I like serving people and I frequently have people come over to sew or make something.
Well, I am way out of the loop because I just heard about Craft Hope.

Here is a huge community of crafters getting together and making a difference. Right now they are trying to gather supplies for safe birthing kits. You can read more about the project at Project 11

Contents of safe birthing kit:
1 small bar of soap (updated 1/16/2011)
1 piece of clean plastic sheeting (3 feet wide by 4 feet long)
1 piece of clean string, 24 inches long
1 packet alcohol wipe
1 set of sterile latex gloves
1 packet (or travel container) Purelle
1 handmade tote bag
receiving blanket–36 inches square
small “stuffy” toy

I am officially going to start working on this. I want to pull as many resources as available. I think I want to do a craft night where everyone brings an extra large t-shirt and we make THESE infant sacks. I just LOVE this idea and have finally found something that fits my need to serve. If you would like to join in on the fun let me know.


  1. Oh I like this idea!!!

    But ONE alcohol swab? I would think that more would be needed.

  2. THANKS!!!!! I have been working on my food blog all morning and I haven't come up with anything good for the header or background yet. YOUR THE BEST. I need your camera to take the pictures of the food so it looks yummier.
