Tuesday, April 21, 2009

About US

Hi! I am Kimberly, a stay at home mom of 2 girls and 2 boys.  Our family motto is: psalms 46:10  BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.  I must confess it's partly because our kids have a hard time being still.  But hopefully while they wiggle they can learn who God is. 

Often when people ask me what I like to do, all I can come up with is take care of my kids.  I decided one day that I needed to come up with a better response.  So here's what I like to do: spend time with my family(doesn't that sound alot nicer then take care of kids), exercise, clean my house, try new recipes, blog, eat, read, play the piano, listen to music, craft, camp, since my husband likes anything with a motor we like to off road, and boat.  When I have a spare second I like to attempt to decorate my house,  It doesn't come naturally so I am slow but I enjoy crafting or sewing things for my house. 

Sewing hasn't been my first passion.  But as time has gone on I realized that sewing and crafting stays done,  where house work and laundry don't.  I still would rather clean my house first but I have found that my love for making things for my house and family has grown.  Now that I have girls old enough to sew and craft things I appreciate the time my mother spent teaching me.  I sure complained a lot and so I think about that when my girls are complaining.  Someday they will appreciate the knowledge.

I am super excited to start blogging with my sister.  We live far apart from each other and have gone sometimes over a year before seeing each other.  She is amazingly creative, and talented were I just like to copy people.  I have been truly blessed in life and hope that others will be able to live a happy and fulfilled life like I have.  I have more recipes on homerunrecipes.blogspot.com.


Melissa said...

Kudos to you for being brave and posting your struggles. I too suffer from depression(chronic) and will be on meds for the rest of my life. Please know that you are not alone and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Found your blog through a posting on oneprettything.com and will be checking back from now on as I really enjoy your style.

Anonymous said...

I just happen to come upon your blog, while looking @ crafts. I could not stop reading about your depression. I to suffer from manic depression for about 20 years now, many Dr.'s, many med's!! I am thankful for God being in my life and being able to lean on him , also my 80 year old Mother, which worries so about me (and I am 46)! She has post-traumatic depression. My Spouse has been there on the most part.
I also have ADHD, which is almost the opposite of depression !! Medication wise anyways. I have type 2 diabetic and have neuropathy
in my feet and hands I can go on and on. I have 3 Sons all of age know that are more trouble now than when young!!I also work full-time.I never thought my life would be so complicated!
While reading your blog, I was shaking my head yes to everything you wrote. I feel those same feelings although never could explain it. You could easily write a book! My mother always tells me that, not because I am a good writer, but my life has been tossed around so much!
All I wanted to really tell you is THANK YOU SO MUCH, for sharing your life with us. I needed to know their is hope, and other people feeling the very same feelings I do. I hope you are feeling better and thanks for helping me and others!!

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