Monday, February 22, 2010

Save $100's on Children's Clothing

I saved $452.94 and only spent $171.88.

RUN to your local "The Children's Place". They are having a gigantic sale. There are pants and shirts for $1.99 for both girls and boys!!!!! Some pants and shirts are $2.99. There are also sweaters for $1.99 and $2.99.
I bought 21 pairs of pants (one in ever size), 5 shirts for my son, and 2 shirts for my daughter all for $74.41. If I had paid full price I would have spent $462.67 (w/ tax).

Next.... Carters. Not as good of a sale, but still good. Winter pj's for $4. LOVE it, but they didn't have my son's size. I bought 4 shirts and 3 pairs of shorts for my son, 2 dresses, 1 shirt, and 1 pair of shorts for my daughter for $97.47 BUT, for ever $25 you spend, you get a '$10 bucks' to spend on next purchase (no minimum purchase required). So I got $30 worth of bucks to spend. YIPPEE! So, it was like I actually spent $67.47
If I had paid full price, I would have spent $162.15

1 comment:

Fancy Pants said...

Thanks for the great info. I live close to an outlet mall that has both of those stores. I can't get there until Saturday. I hope there's some good stuff left!

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