Monday, September 5, 2011

Live and Let Live

Oh the joys of being a home owner:) We have a massive leak in our drip system. I was wondering why all of a sudden all of our plants were dying. Hubby set to work and found water bubbling up from under ground.  Our front yard looks white trash now because we have a 2 holes on either side of the side walk, and (the holes are only going to get bigger) hoses running to all our plants.

Who knows, we might even have to tear up the side walk because hubby is thinking more and more that the leak is under the side walk. Crossing my fingers that it doesn't come to that.

Hey, maybe the green hoses are just adding color and interesting landscaping!?!
So, just in case your were wondering, I have been the one watering all of our plants by hand twice a day in 116 degree weather. LURVE it!

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